Often, why carries more importance than what. Founder, Robert Nutt, applies business experience and legal expertise to help small business owners survive and thrive in today’s economic climate. He provides counsel to entrepreneurs and executives helping them protect and prosper their businesses. This prosperity and security brings job creation and innovation to the Hampton Roads Community.
There is so much more to businesses than just the legal aspects – and Robert Nutt has the background, not only to understand them; but also, to use that knowledge in delivering better results for his clients. Before practicing law, Managing Attorney, Robert Nutt, served 16 years in business consulting. His experience covers nearly every discipline in business and clients include: American Express, FedEx, Johnson & Johnson, Prudential, Xerox, and the United States Navy.
Many people have Big 5, intermediate, or think-tank experience. Very few have all three. Robert Nutt does. In fact, Robert is the only attorney in Hampton Roads with significant consulting experience from leading employers like KPMG, Booz, Allen & Hamilton and Meta Group.
With your lawyer’s unique access to your business, doesn’t it make sense to trust that position to someone who can both diagnose a legal problem as well as spot a business opportunity?
The Law Firm of Robert Nutt, MBA JD helps clients avoid legal pitfalls by implementing proven business strategies that are supported by the law.
Robert Nutt, MBA, JD Attorney & Counselor at Law Earned his BBA in 1986, MBA in 91 and JD in 07. He brings significant business experience. Today, Mr. Nutt practices business law, integrating business, relationship & legal advice to protect Business Clients and help Prosper Client Businesses.